This product is Obsolete means that both the product and download files are obsolete and are AS IS (in mature status and are no longer updated). Limited Technical Support available.


RocketModem III V.90 Universal PCI Software and Documentation

Operating System Files


Hardware Installation Rev A


AT Command Set Rev A

Bootable Diagnostic

Bootable Diskette image - Rev C

Rawrite - a utility for Microsoft systems used to create disk images for use with our diagnostic disk image files.

Rawrite documentation



2.4 through 2.6 kernels

Driver - v3.08

Installation document - Rev D

LCOM Utility

Using minicom

Windows 98

Driver - v1.71

Installation document - Rev C

Windows 2000

Driver - v4.74

Installation document - Rev C

Comtrol Utility v3.00

Windows 2003

Driver - v4.74

You can use the Windows XP Installation document

Windows Me

Driver - v1.71

Installation document - Rev C

Windows NT



Driver - v4.56

Installation document - Rev D

Windows XP

Driver - v4.74

Windows XP Installation document

Windows XP RRAS document