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DeviceMaster Primo Software and Documentation

Product File Description


Rev E

Use this document for installation and user information for the DeviceMaster Primo.

Using Raw and Pair Connection Methods

Rev B

This document provides information about using raw and pair connections with the DeviceMaster Primo.



You must install one of the Windows drivers to access the DMupg.exe Utility, which is required to updated the firmware on the DeviceMaster Primo.



Refer to the readme file bundled with the driver for installation procedures. You can also download LCOM, which can be used for testing serial ports on a Linux system.

Using minicom

Rev C

This document discusses using minicom, a built-in serial communication utility. You can use minicom for sending commands to attached modems.

Windows 98 and Windows Me


You can use the DeviceMaster Primo Serial Port Server Device Driver Installation guide for installation procedures.

Windows 2000


You can use the DeviceMaster Primo Serial Port Server Device Driver Installation guide for installation procedures.

Windows NT 4.0


You can use the DeviceMaster Primo Serial Port Server Device Driver Installation guide for installation procedures.

Windows XP


You can use the DeviceMaster Primo Serial Port Server Device Driver Installation guide for installation procedures.

Test Terminal


Windows 98/Me


Windows NT


Windows 2000/XP


This is a test terminal program that you can use to test the port.