This product is Obsolete means that both the product and download files are obsolete and are AS IS (in mature status and are no longer updated). Limited Technical Support available.

This page does not support the RocketPort PCI or RocketPort 422 PCI models.


RocketPort Plus PCI Software and Documentation

Operating System Files


Building Cables


Hardware Installation Rev D


Building loopback plugs

Bootable Diagnostic

Diagnostic Diskette - v1.92
Rawrite - a utility for Microsoft systems used to create disk images for use with our diagnostic disk image files.
Rawrite documentation
You will need a loopback plug to run the diagnostics.


Driver v1.71
Device driver v1.73

FreeBSD 4.x

Device driver Rev A


Device driver Rev A


Device driver v2.05
Installation document Rev D
LCOM Utility
Using minicom


Comtrol API Source Code
Using the Comtrol API


Device driver v5.05


Installation document Rev B


Wanderlink Installation Notes

QNX 4.x

Device driver - v4.25F
Make sure that the file extension is an uppercase F. Some browsers download the file with a lowercase f file extension, if that occurs; change the file extension to uppercase before installing the driver.

QNX 6.x

Device driver v6.30B
Make sure that the file extension is an uppercase F. Some browsers download the file with a lowercase f file extension, if that occurs; change the file extension to uppercase before installing the driver.

Windows 95

Sample Code (32-bit) - Rev A

Windows 98

Driver v1.71
Installation document Rev B
Sample Code (32-bit) - Rev A

Windows 2000

Device driver v4.71
Installation document Rev C
Comtrol Utility v3.00

Windows 2003

Device driver v4.71
You can use the Windows XP Installation document Rev C

Windows Me

Driver v1.71
Installation document Rev B

Windows NT 3.51

Sample Code (32-bit) Rev A

Windows NT



Device driver v4.54
Installation document Rev C
Sample Code (32-bit) Rev A

Windows XP

Driver - v4.71
Windows XP Installation document Rev C
Windows XP RRAS document Rev A