These are Legacy files, which means that the product is considered an active product, however; downloaded files are AS IS (in mature status and are no longer updated). Limited Technical Support available.

Typically, you should load the latest firmware.

Depending on the model you purchased, it may or may not have EtherNet/IP loaded. The DeviceMaster UP may contain SocketServer, the default application from the factory. Models that have a protocol loaded on the DeviceMaster UP are identified in PortVision DX and the DeviceMaster UP is labeled accordingly.


DeviceMaster PRO | RTS | Serial Hub Legacy Device Drivers

Operating System Device Driver Installation Document


4.15 through 4.17.x Kernels


DeviceMaster Higher Kernel Support


Technical Support recommends that you update to the latest version of SocketServer before installing an NS-Link device driver.


You can refer to the readme file bundled with the driver for installation procedures. Optionally, you can use the Installation Overview.


You can download LCOM, which can be used for testing serial ports on a Linux system.



2.6.33 through 4.14.x. Kernels




Technical Support recommends that you update to the latest version of SocketServer before installing an NS-Link device driver.


You can refer to the readme file bundled with the driver for installation procedures. Optionally, you can use the Installation Overview.


You can download LCOM, which can be used for testing serial ports on a Linux system.



2.6.18 through 2.6.32 kernels




Technical support typically recommends using v6.03 for kernels 2.6.18 through 2.6.32.


Technical Support recommends that you update to the latest version of SocketServer before installing an NS-Link device driver.


You can refer to the readme file bundled with the driver for installation procedures. Optionally, you can use the Installation Overview.


You can download LCOM, which can be used for testing serial ports on a Linux system.



2.6.0 through 2.6.17 kernels




Technical support typically recommends using v4.06 for kernels 2.6.0 through 2.6.17, unless you require a 64-bit driver; then use v7.02.


Technical Support recommends that you update to the latest version of SocketServer before installing an NS-Link device driver.


You can refer to the readme file bundled with the driver for installation procedures. Optionally, you can use the Installation Overview.


You can download LCOM, which can be used for testing serial ports on a Linux system.



2.4.30 through 2.4.35 kernels




Technical support typically recommends using v4.05 for kernels 2.4.30 through 2.4.35.


Technical Support recommends that you update to the latest version of SocketServer before installing an NS-Link device driver.


You can refer to the readme file bundled with the driver for installation procedures. Optionally, you can use the Installation Overview.


You can download LCOM, which can be used for testing serial ports on a Linux system.

Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP




You can use the DeviceMaster NS-Link for Windows User Guide, which provides detailed installation procedures.

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP




This driver provides legacy support for Microsoft certificate authentication. For that reason, this driver version does not support Windows 7 and above that have the newer Microsoft certificates.


You can use the DeviceMaster NS-Link for Windows User Guide, which provides detailed installation procedures.

IPv4 Only Device Driver
Windows XP SP3 through Windows Server 2019


Technical Support recommends that you update to the latest version of SocketServer before installing an NS-Link device driver.


If you are unsure about the driver version, use the Device Manager to check a driver version.


You can use the Windows driver installation procedures or optionally, open the DeviceMaster NS-Link for Windows User Guide, which provides detailed installation procedures.

Windows 2000




You can use the NS-Link User Guide Rev E.

Windows NT


You can use the NS-Link User Guide Rev D.

DeviceMaster PRO | RTS | Serial Hub Legacy Firmware

Name Description


Please contact Pepperl + Fuchs Technical Support for firmware by selecting the Contact Us tab.

DeviceMaster PRO | RTS | Serial Hub Legacy Utilities

Operating System Name File Description


Firmware Upload Utility


You can use this utility to upload firmware (Bootloader and SocketServer) on a Linux system. Optionally, you can use RedBoot to upload firmware.


LCOM Utility


You can use LCOM for testing serial ports.


Optionally, you can use minicom and this procedure for testing.

Windows XP SP3 through Windows 10



PortVision DX


Use this version if you are using a SocketServer/NS-Link version BEFORE 10.00.


If you are unsure what SocketServer/NS-Link version is loaded on your DeviceMasters, use this version to initially PortVision DX to identify, configure the IP address, and update the DeviceMaster.


You can use the help system for information about using PortVision DX.

Windows XP SP3 through Windows 10



PortVision DX


Use this version if you are using SocketServer/NS-Link firmware version 10.00 or HIGHER.


If your application requires a SocketServer version before 10.00, do NOT load PortVision DX 4.00 or higher.


You can use PortVision DX to identify, configure the IP address, update, and manage the DeviceMaster.


You can use the help system for information about using PortVision DX.