This product is Obsolete means that both the product and download files are obsolete and are AS IS (in mature status and are no longer updated). Limited Technical Support available.

If you require a driver for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows Server 2012, you will need to know the RocketPort USB Serial Hub III serial number. The serial number is located on the bottom of the unit on the serial number and bar code label.

Serial numbers before 8296-002941, do not support Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows Server 2012.

RocketPort USB Serial Hub III Device Drivers

Operating System Device Driver Document

2.4.x through
4.10.x kernels

Supported in the Linux operating system

You can use the Device Driver Installation for Linuxfor installation procedures.

Windows 10
Windows Server 2016
Windows 8/8.1
Windows 7

Supported in the Windows operating system

Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows 8/8.1, and Windows 7 have drivers included with the operating system.
Use the Device Driver Installation for Windows for installation procedures.

Windows XP through Windows Server 2012


Use the Device Driver Installation for Windows for installation procedures.

RocketPort USB Serial Hub III Documentation

Operating System File Description


Rev A

How to connect serial devices.


Rev A

Installing the Linux device driver.

Windows XP through Windows 10

Rev A

Installing the device driver on Windows systems.

RocketPort USB Serial Hub III Utilities

Operating System Name File Description


LCOM Utility


Use LCOM for testing serial ports.

Windows 2000 through Windows Vista

Test Terminal Utility



Test Terminal can be used to troubleshoot communications on a port-by-port basis. Test Terminal requires a loopback plug.

You can use the Test Terminal section in the Port Monitor and Test Terminal User Guide for Test Terminal test procedures.